Date | |
April 1, 2025 | Preliminary registration, Abstract submission deadline |
May 5, 2025 | Notification of abstract acceptance |
July 1, 2025 | Full paper submission |
July 14, 2025 | Notification of manuscript acceptance |
July 14, 2025 | The fee payment deadline |
September 17 - September 20, 2025 | Conference dates |
The Scientific Committee for the DIDFYZ 2025 invites authors to submit abstracts for presentation at the upcoming conference | |
How to submit an abstract: | The abstracts must be submitted through the website at: |
Restrictions: | Each participant may upload up to 2 abstracts (no more than two co-authored papers per individual). Maximal length of abstract is 1500 characters/300 words. |
Abstract submission deadline: | April 1, 2025 |
Notification of abstract acceptance: | by May 5, 2025 |
Authors of contributions must respect the criteria of the organizers and publishers. Abstracts and full texts will be assessed by reviewers according to these criteria. Reviewers should consider the following key points related to scientific content, quality and presentation of the papers:
Technical Criteria • Scientific merit; scientific rigour, accuracy and correctness • Clarity of expression; communication of ideas; readability and discussion of concepts • Sufficient discussion of the context of the work, and suitable referencing
Quality Criteria • Originality: Is the work relevant and novel? • Motivation: Does the problem considered have a sound motivation? All papers should clearly demonstrate the scientific interest of the results • Repetition: Have significant parts of the manuscript already been published? • Length: Is the content of the work of sufficient scientific interest to justify its length?
Presentation Criteria • Title: Is it adequate and appropriate for the content of the articlTitle: Is it adequate and appropriate for the content of the article? • Abstract: Does it contain the essential information of the article? Is it complete? Does it match the focus of the conference? Is it suitable for inclusion by itself in an abstracting service? • Diagrams, figures, tables and captions: Are they essential and clear? • Text and mathematics: Are they brief but still clear? If you recommend shortening, please suggest what should be removed • Conclusion: Does the paper contain a clear conclusion. The conclusion should summarize what has been learned and why it is interesting and useful? | |
Further information on full paper submission will be provided in the confirmation email that will be sent to you after reviewing your abstract(s). Should you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact as at |
Education reform and its reflection in physical education.The basic goal of the DIDFYZ 2025 conference will be to reflect the development of scientific literacy and especially critical thinking as an umbrella of knowledge, methods and competences that the student should have in individual educational concepts. Appropriate topics include |
1. Theoretical foundations of education reforms with an emphasis on developing science literacy and critical thinking |
Basic principles of reforms and their reflection in practice. |
Changes in the content of physical education under the influence of reform efforts. |
The balance of the content, scope and methods of physical education and its impact on the development of students critical thinking. |
Results of comparing educational systems and reforms leading to them. |
Interdisciplinarity in the development of science literacy and critical thinking |
Knowledge and natural science skills. |
The conditionality of the development of critical thinking by the content and scope of physical education. |
Science literacy and development of pupils cognitive processes. |
Transferring knowledge into practice and verifying the students ability to use new knowledge in life. |
Changes in the approach to physical education at different levels and types of schools here and abroad. |
Preparation of physics teachers to use new forms of teaching. |
2. Physical content and methods developing science literacy. |
Means and methods of education in physics reflecting the new paradigm of education. |
Intersubject relationships as a stimulator for the development of critical thinking. |
A physical experiment as a tool for verifying critical attitudes. |
Empirical knowledge and physical experiment in the development of key abilities of pupils. |
The methodology of obtaining physical knowledge from various information sources and their influence on the development of critical thinking. |
Exploratory recognition and development of pupils personal abilities. |
Strategies and procedures for conveying concepts from physics. |
The registration has started on January 20, 2025.
The conference participant registers by logging to Morressier and sending an abstract. Participants who do not request a performance and a contribution should send a request to |